Online and Social Media Footprint

My online footprint is not that big, although I do have many different social media accounts. I currently have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and a LinkedIn account. I have all of my social media accounts on private so that only friends can really see the main things that I post. I usually only post on my accounts when something significant happens in my life, like graduation, or I got a great internship or something. A visitor going to one of my pages could find out where I attend school, my birthday, my current and past jobs, and my email addresses. I have given my phone number to Facebook and Instagram for recovery purposes only, so if I forget my password and get locked out of my account, they can send me a text with a code I can type to rest my password and regain access to my account. I also share my email with these companies as well for the same reasons, and even most of these sites require at least having an email to sign up for whatever product they offer.

I have created many fake emails mainly for gaming sites and to avoid getting a lot of the junk emails that come along with them.

When I was in middle school and created my first Facebook account I know I most likely posted inappropriate language and went back and forth with other kids in drama, I have since deleted that account and made a new one even though some of the things on that old account could resurface from screenshots and other ways that can bring up my social media past. I have never posted myself with drugs or alcohol thankfully or posted anything racist or offensive that I know of. If I could remove anything from my online presence, it would be the things I posted on my Facebook account when I was younger back in middle school.


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