Stable Change and Twitter

People use twitter to post and talk about a lot of different things. They usually rant about their favorite television show, celebrities, politics, and other popular things going on in mainstream media. With the first amendment, people can post whatever they want and not have to worry about the government interfering and trying to shut down and take things off. With people being able to vent like this freely on twitter, they can form movements and create awareness for important issues like the black lives matter movement that is currently going on in our country. 

Even though the government cannot interfere with what is posted on twitter, the company can make itself. Someone can report a post if they feel it endangers someone or is targeting a specific person or group of people, and then twitter can have the post removed. The government can view tweets being that they are public, and they can use them to monitor gang, drug, or terrorist activity and take any action that they may need to. Actor Tom Arnold once tweeted a threat aimed at President Trump. He ended up receiving a visit from the secret service, they were not there to ask him to take down anything he tweeted but just to make sure he wasn’t serious about doing anything that was within the tweets and that it was just a joke.


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