
Whistleblowers are people that expose secrets or illegal activities of an organization or government office. Whistleblowers can be considered as spies within an organization because they are hired by another organization to spy on another organization, they think maybe doing illegal activity. Whistleblowing within a company is usually seen as a good thing, and companies typically encourage their employees to come forward to them with anything that they notice that is not how it is supposed to be, such as the illegal or unethical activity of coworkers and supervisors. Whistleblowing within an organization can save the organization a lot of money on legal fees if the situation is something that puts the organization in the wrong against the whistleblower. Most whistleblowers have intentions of improving the company that they are acting against. Whistleblowers have a negative stigma that they only do what they do because they are mad and are not getting something they want from their company. Some companies often can get defensive with whistleblowers. These companies usually react like that because they are worried about the loss of business from bad publicity and high costs from litigation. When a whistleblower goes outside of a company to deal with something with authorities is another reason for companies to get worried and become very defensive. When this happens, this often means the company does not have a real sound reporting system, or either the whistleblower didn’t feel like the reporting system was receptive to what they were trying to report.

One of the most famous whistleblowers Edward Snowden, leaked classified information from the NSA that revealed some of the global surveillance programs they were using and how it invaded the privacy of many people around the world.


Whistleblowers have a positive impact on society because they help make sure companies are held accountable for actions that they do or do not do like they are supposed to. Whistleblowers, most of the time, are an early warning system and try to prevent the company from continuing to do something wrong. Whistleblowers help make sure that big companies and corporations are doing things legal and fair so that consumers are getting treated like they are supposed to and not wronged for the gain of the corporation.

Whistleblowers are usually not in the best interest of wealthy people in most situations, and that is because whistleblowers are most of the time, exposing some type of activity that was making wealthy people more wealthy. By the whistleblower exposing them, they can lose money and possibly face some kind of charges if what they were doing was illegal. Whistleblowers mostly positively impact poor people because they expose unlawful or unethical business practices of corporations that make the corporations richer while the poor people are suffering.  Whistleblowing will most likely change

my generation and future generations positively because more and more people will not allow for illegal and unethical things going on behind closed doors in some of the big corporations to continue.





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