Diffusions of Innovations

With the iPhone becoming the first-ever phone with a built-in internet browser and mp3 player, many people were interested quick and wanted to buy one. Many people became early adopters of the iPhone because of it being a 3 for 1 kind of device being that it had a browser like a computer, mp3 player, and makes phone calls. The overall convenience and the fact the original iPhone was so new and innovative is why there were so many early adopters. There have been a lot of late adopters because of people wanting to not be so dependant on iPhones being that now the current iPhone does so much for the average person that has it. Iphones are now a massive part of every person's life, and they go with us literally everywhere we go. Late adopters now realize that they have to adapt to a changing world that is slowly requiring and expecting the average person to be an iPhone owner, so this is actually kind of forcing people to be late adopters of the iPhone.
Some people are still not adopters of the iPhone. They feel that smartphones are harmful because they stop people from doing so many things, and having a smartphone requires people to do a lot less thinking.
The iPhone has quite a few downsides, but they don't quite outweigh the positives. Iphones have so many features and tools that require people to do a lot less when it comes to researching things, scheduling alarms, and many other simple tasks that the iPhone can do. Without iPhones, a lot of people would be helpless. iPhones can also be very distracting and can prevent students from doing their work to their full potential, to even slow down somebody's work and performance at their job.
Even though the iPhone has quite a few negative things, it still has many positive things that it does for people, and that has benefited our society.


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