
Showing posts from July, 2020

Online and Social Media Footprint

My online footprint is not that big, although I do have many different social media accounts. I currently have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, Snapchat, and a LinkedIn account. I have all of my social media accounts on private so that only friends can really see the main things that I post. I usually only post on my accounts when something significant happens in my life, like graduation, or I got a great internship or something. A visitor going to one of my pages could find out where I attend school, my birthday, my current and past jobs, and my email addresses. I have given my phone number to Facebook and Instagram for recovery purposes only, so if I forget my password and get locked out of my account, they can send me a text with a code I can type to rest my password and regain access to my account. I also share my email with these companies as well for the same reasons, and even most of these sites require at least having an email to sign up for whatever product they offer.


Whistleblowers are people that expose secrets or illegal activities of an organization or government office. Whistleblowers can be considered as spies within an organization because they are hired by another organization to spy on another organization, they think maybe doing illegal activity. Whistleblowing within a company is usually seen as a good thing, and companies typically encourage their employees to come forward to them with anything that they notice that is not how it is supposed to be, such as the illegal or unethical activity of coworkers and supervisors. Whistleblowing within an organization can save the organization a lot of money on legal fees if the situation is something that puts the organization in the wrong against the whistleblower. Most whistleblowers have intentions of improving the company that they are acting against. Whistleblowers have a negative stigma that they only do what they do because they are mad and are not getting something they want from their comp

Stable Change and Twitter

  People use twitter to post and talk about a lot of different things. They usually rant about their favorite television show, celebrities, politics, and other popular things going on in mainstream media. With the first amendment, people can post whatever they want and not have to worry about the government interfering and trying to shut down and take things off. With people being able to vent like this freely on twitter, they can form movements and create awareness for important issues like the black lives matter movement that is currently going on in our country.  Even though the government cannot interfere with what is posted on twitter, the company can make itself. Someone can report a post if they feel it endangers someone or is targeting a specific person or group of people, and then twitter can have the post removed. The government can view tweets being that they are public, and they can use them to monitor gang, drug, or terrorist activity and take any action that they may need

Diffusions of Innovations

With the iPhone becoming the first-ever phone with a built-in internet browser and mp3 player, many people were interested quick and wanted to buy one. Many people became early adopters of the iPhone because of it being a 3 for 1 kind of device being that it had a browser like a computer, mp3 player, and makes phone calls. The overall convenience and the fact the original iPhone was so new and innovative is why there were so many early adopters. There have been a lot of late adopters because of people wanting to not be so dependant on iPhones being that now the current iPhone does so much for the average person that has it. Iphones are now a massive part of every person's life, and they go with us literally everywhere we go. Late adopters now realize that they have to adapt to a changing world that is slowly requiring and expecting the average person to be an iPhone owner, so this is actually kind of forcing people to be late adopters of the iPhone. Some people are still not adopte